IT Headhunters:
Let our senior recruiters find your C-level executive or manager with IT expertise

IT companies facing recruitment challenges have it tough. IT professionals are already hard to come by, but if you're searching for a C-level executive or manager with experience in the IT sector, it can feel like an almost impossible task. These specialized top-tier professionals typically already hold positions at their current companies, where they are often quite comfortable. Convincing them to take the leap—a move to your company—is no easy feat in today’s competitive candidate market. That's why you turned to Google. You likely searched for terms such as "IT headhunter," "IT recruiting agency," "ICT executive search," "filling executive IT vacancies," and "IT executive recruiters." Perhaps you even used region-specific terms like "executive IT recruitment Amsterdam" or "executive ICT recruiter Rotterdam."

The search results were abundant, but that only led to the familiar “can’t see the forest for the trees” problem. When every IT recruitment agency claims to be the best, how do you determine who can actually help you find the most suitable IT professionals at the executive or management level? For that, you need specialized headhunter recruiters—senior headhunter experts who know exactly how to conduct an efficient C-level executive search and who have extensive experience in recruitment for the ICT sector. In short, the executive headhunters at SalesSupply!

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IT Executive Search: How Do You Find the Managers and Executives You're Looking For?

The manager or executive you’re seeking for the IT sector is no ordinary candidate. You need an expert with leadership experience. Perhaps you want your new hire to have managed a team that reported directly to them for at least three years. Or maybe you're looking for a C-level executive who has spent at least 10 years on a board.

Who the candidate has managed makes a huge difference. Were they salespeople? IT specialists? Middle managers? And where exactly did the candidate do this? Start-ups, scale-ups, and corporates each have their own unique structure, environment, hierarchy, and company culture. Bringing an executive from a multinational into a scale-up often results in disaster.

Aside from company size, experience in the IT sector is, of course, a crucial requirement. But it probably doesn’t stop there. You’re likely searching for a candidate with specific IT expertise, such as cloud transitions, ERP systems, AI solutions, SaaS software, or FinTech.

Moreover, you're looking for someone who is a strong communicator, entrepreneurial, and performance-driven. Your new manager or C-level executive needs to be a valuable partner within the management team—and possibly a sparring partner for the owner. You might also want this person to be open to a shareholding opportunity.

A clear vision is essential, too: your new manager or executive needs to have a strong grasp of where the market stands and where it's heading. A deep understanding of your target audience and a keen eye for trends are therefore indispensable.

To round out the profile of this "unicorn candidate," your new manager or executive should also have a broad skill set. For example, an ICT Country Manager or an ICT Business Unit Manager must also have substantial knowledge of HR, marketing, processes, and logistics.

The question is: where can you find someone who checks all these boxes? And if you do find this talent, how do you get them interested in your vacancy?

IT Recruitment Agency vs. Executive Search Firm with IT Sector Experience

The best IT professionals or outstanding executives with IT expertise?

When it comes to filling IT vacancies, you're often met with significant challenges—team gaps, positions that remain unfilled despite months-old LinkedIn posts, costly hiring mistakes—all of which consume time and money and hinder your much-needed growth.

Meanwhile, the job market remains tight, and the accelerating IT sector continues to create more and more roles. Cloud, ERP, and AI initiatives are springing up like mushrooms, resulting in even more scarcity in recruitment.

Many IT companies, therefore, turn to an IT recruiting agency. But is that the right choice for an executive search? After all, you’re not looking for an IT professional like a developer or programmer. Wouldn't you be better off partnering with a headhunter agency experienced in recruiting managers and executives for the IT sector?

SalesSupply: Senior (IT) Headhunters with Executive Experience and Sales Skills

'Senior executive with sales skills recruits senior executive with IT experience'—that’s how you can sum up SalesSupply’s approach in a nutshell. Each of our recruiters has 20+ years of experience in management, sales, and recruitment. That’s why candidates listen to us. In fact, talent at the management and C-level often only want to speak with a recruiter who can communicate on their level. We excel at this.

Additionally, we understand the IT sector because we frequently recruit for IT companies. Whether it's the evolving nuances of terms like "managed services" and "consultancy" or the challenges surrounding cybersecurity—we’re well-versed in it.

And once we’ve captured their attention, we quickly pitch and sell your vacancy and company. In today's recruitment landscape, sales skills are indispensable because recruitment has become sales. Now that candidates have the power to choose, having strong persuasion skills is more crucial than ever. If you don’t pitch the role succinctly and powerfully, the best candidates will walk away, leaving all that intensive selection work for nothing.

In this context, "sales" goes far beyond just pitching. We also build relationships with candidates to create trust. First, we uncover why they want to make a career move. Few managers and executives openly share why they’re dissatisfied in their current role. But we earn that valuable information. Additionally, our senior recruiters act as consultants throughout the process—both for the candidates and the client. When they need guidance, they can count on our coaching and advice.

IT Recruitment for Executive Roles: Finding the Right Candidate in 3 Weeks?

That’s our guarantee to you. We leverage our 20+ years of experience, extensive network, and deep knowledge of the IT sector to quickly and efficiently find the right candidate for you—so your company can continue growing with the right talent!

Would you like to learn more about our approach? Or discuss what a collaboration might look like?

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