IT Recruiters for Sales and Executive Positions:
Benefit from 20+ Years of Experience

The labor market is tight, and the IT sector is feeling the pressure like no other. Talent is in high demand and incredibly scarce. With an aging workforce and a growing number of part-timers, this trend is only set to continue. Meanwhile, the IT market is rapidly expanding. Companies in ERP, SaaS, cloud, software development, cybersecurity, and AI are popping up everywhere, driving a surge in job openings. Do you have an open sales or executive position in ICT that seems impossible to fill? Like many others, you’ve likely turned to Google, searching terms like "ICT recruiters," "ICT recruiting," "IT recruitment agency," or "IT staffing." You may have even gone regional, typing in "IT recruitment Amsterdam" or "IT recruitment Rotterdam."

Your search probably yielded countless results, but most of them seemed generic. Many companies can help fill IT vacancies, but who can specifically recruit sales and executive candidates for IT companies? Who understands the complexities of your business and can match your specific requirements with the right candidate? Who has the seniority and sales skills to sell your vacancy to top talent? And who can do all of this efficiently and quickly?

The answer is simple: SalesSupply.

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IT Recruitment Agency or Recruiters with ICT Specialization: The Power of Focus

You don't want a scattergun approach. A generic IT recruitment agency may help you fill a range of positions, from programmers to software developers. If that’s what you need, SalesSupply might not be the right fit for you. We specialize exclusively in filling sales and executive roles—and we excel at it. Each of our recruiters has 20+ years of experience in sales, management, and recruitment. This is crucial when you’re looking to fill a mid-level or senior sales or executive role in the ICT sector. You need recruiters with deep, specialized knowledge.

IT Sales Recruitment: An Attractive Offer and a Strong Pitch

Are you looking to strengthen your team with an account manager, sales manager, IT business development manager, or sales consultant? Or are you in search of SaaS sales recruitment or a fintech sales recruiting expert to enhance your startup or scale-up with new talent?

When you search for the best candidates on your own, you'll soon encounter a common problem in IT sales recruitment: top sales professionals with experience in the ICT sector are already employed—and they’re likely content where they are. Proven sales talent, especially those working for major IT names, won’t even consider a conversation unless your offer is incredibly attractive. And that offer needs to be pitched extremely well and quickly to capture their interest.

This is where excellent sales skills and years of recruitment experience come into play. Our recruiters possess both. They understand candidates and speak their language, which is why talent that other agencies may overlook often gives us a chance.

Executive Search for the IT Sector: Finding the Perfect Fit

Looking for a business unit manager, commercial manager, sales director, ICT country manager, or marketing and sales manager? There are plenty of roles for IT executives, but talent is still hard to find. This is especially true when you're searching for a “jack of all trades,” as is often the case in executive recruitment. Your new hire must have the right management experience (for example, a scale-up needs a leader who isn't only skilled in corporate environments), possess specialized IT knowledge, and be up-to-date on management styles. Additionally, they must be a perfect cultural fit for your company.

Even if you find such a top-tier candidate, capturing their attention can be challenging. Just like with sales roles, you need to present an incredibly appealing offer—fast. This requires a deep understanding of the perfect candidate. Executives of this caliber prefer personal and high-level communication, and our senior (ICT) recruiters excel in this, having held management positions themselves. Candidates see us as peers and, therefore, listen to us.

Senior IT Recruitment Consultants: Specialized and Experienced

Evaluating candidates is more than just checking off a list of qualifications.

Everyone can assess the must-haves, but things get truly interesting beyond that. Are a candidate’s soft skills up to par? Does the candidate who ticks all the boxes on paper fit into your company culture? Only senior IT recruitment consultants can make these assessments, as it requires extensive experience and people skills. A recruiter must understand both the candidate’s story and your company’s context. The ultimate question is: is this the perfect match?

With 20+ years of experience in sales, management, and recruitment, we quickly get to the heart of the matter in interviews. Is the candidate performance-driven and an effective communicator? What motivates them? Do they fully understand the products or services you offer? Do they share your vision and values? We uncover all of this before we even consider introducing a candidate to you. Sometimes we’ll deliberately push to see how a candidate responds. If we sense an inauthentic answer, we dig deeper. We’re not afraid to do this. Call it a mix of life experience, sales confidence, and the management expertise we’ve built over our careers.

Selling Your ICT Vacancy for Sales Experts or Executives? We Can Do It!

Let’s cut to the chase: recruitment is now a form of sales in today’s job market. You need to pitch and sell your vacancy and your company. Rolling out the red carpet is essential. This means keeping your promises, responding quickly, and making the right candidate feel like you’re excited about them. (For more, see our director Leon’s article on Frankwatching: "5 Tips to Improve HR and Recruiter Collaboration.")

Our seasoned senior (ICT) recruiters handle the “sales” side of IT recruitment for you and act as consultants—both to you as the client and to the candidate. We offer advice and coaching as needed. If we need to go the extra mile to achieve your goals, we will. For instance, if a candidate can only meet on a Sunday afternoon, we’ll make it happen.

Hire the Right Candidate in 3 Weeks with an Experienced IT Recruiter

Sales professionals and executives actively seeking new jobs are rare, but recruiting within the ICT sector is not impossible. We handle your executive or sales recruiting quickly and efficiently, leveraging an extensive network, deep IT sector knowledge, seniority, and excellent sales skills to fill your vacancy. We guarantee that within three weeks, we will present you with a suitable candidate.

Curious to explore what a partnership with us could mean for your IT company? Or ready to get started right away? Let’s talk!

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