Ed Roos

Ed Roos

Recruitment Consultant

Ed Roos (aged 57) started his career as a professional football player at Feyenoord and Excelsior, among others. For him, drive, discipline, team interest and performing under pressure are self-evident. After 8 years he had to end his career as a football player due to injuries. Ed has held various sales and marketing positions at Samsung for over 25 years. Due to his extensive management, marketing and sales experience, he knows how to connect with sales and management professionals. His good relationship with clients enables him to translate their wishes and requirements into the best candidates. And vice versa. Because that's what it's all about.

Ed: “I see a clear link with team sport here. It is not the best players who become champions, but the best team. At SalesSupply it is not about 1 person either. Reinforcing each other and everyone contributes in their own way.”

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